The California Court of Appeals ruled in a recent personal injury case stemming from a school bus accident. The case, Gaita v. Capistrano Unified School Dist., Cal. Ct. App. (2015), followed a school bus rear-ending another vehicle on the freeway.
The plaintiff filed a personal injury suit against a bus driver who rear-ended her and the school district for which he worked. At trial, the plaintiff purportedly waived her claim for past medical expenses because of the difficulty in differentiating between the medical expenses that were a direct result of the accident underlying the action and those that were a result of an accident she was involved in two years prior. However, the plaintiff did present expert testimony at trial, claiming that this accident caused a permanent, traumatic brain injury, which would result in estimated millions of dollars in future medical treatment. The plaintiff further sought tens of millions of dollars for past and future pain and suffering. The defendants stipulated that the driver was negligent in causing the accident, but they argued that the plaintiff did not suffer a traumatic brain injury and that her injuries were a result of the prior accident.